
Essential Gear for Athletes

In order for you to know what you still need to equip yourself with and to ensure you don’t forget anything while preparing for the competition, we present a list of items that may be essential for the race. Your equipment may be more or less extensive, but we invite you to familiarize yourself with our suggestions:


  1. Triathlon suit / swimwear
  2. Wetsuit – Mandatory when the water temperature is below 14°C (56.5km distance) and 16°C (112.99km distance), highly recommended otherwise!
  3. Swimming goggles
  4. Nose or ear plugs – if you usually use them
  5. Wetsuit lubricant – We do not recommend olive oil or petroleum jelly due to their harmful effects on neoprene wetsuits.


  1. Bike
  2. Helmet – absolutely mandatory!
  3. Cycling glasses
  4. Cycling jersey (if not using a triathlon suit)
  5. Cycling shoes
  6. Socks
  7. Hand pump or CO2 inflator + spare cartridges
  8. Spare inner tube + tire levers or tire sealant (useful during the race to save time on tube changes)
  9. Set of Allen keys
  10. 2 Water bottles
  11. Bag for storing energy bars and gels
  12. Bike computer


  1. Running shoes
  2. Clothing (if not using a triathlon suit)
  3. Socks – if needed and not already worn before the cycling stage
  4. Cap


  1. Photo identification
  2. Race belt – worn with the race number attached after the swim stage
  3. Flip-flops – useful before the swim stage
  4. Scissors
  5. Second pair of running shoes (one pair left in the transition area, the other for warming up just before the start)
  6. Warm-up clothing
  7. Energy gels and bars
  8. Extra swim cap – useful in case of cold water
  9. Sunscreen
  10. Watch / heart rate monitor + chest strap
  11. Towel
  12. Duct tape – versatile for securing equipment on the bike
  13. Chain lubricant
  14. Rags for bike cleaning
  15. Large standing bike pump – easier to achieve high tire pressure with it
  16. Spare inner tubes and tires – in case of damage on the day before the race
  17. Rubber bands – useful for securing cycling shoes on the bike in the optimal position.